Each month in Sowerby Bridge, the Puzzle Poets meet to read their poems and listen to the work of a guest poet. The night has run for many years and has included Andrew McMillan, Kim Moore and Helen Mort among its guest readers.
As the current organisers retire, Laura will join Charlotte Wetton and Steve Nash as a new organiser of the Puzzle Poets. The nights will take place on the first Monday of each month at The Navigation Inn, 47 Chapel Lane, Sowerby Bridge, HX6 3LF.
Anyone is welcome to attend and no booking is needed. Feel free to come and read on the open mic and listen to our guest reader. We’re a friendly group with a regular audience and newcomers are always welcome.
For further information, please visit our website or get in touch with Laura, Charlotte or Steve: www.puzzlepoetry.co.uk.
Photo credit: Kevin Walker.